Saturday, May 1, 2010

Harvest Life Gracefully- learning how a parents role can affect a child's behavior development

Harvest Life Gracefully by learning how a parents role affects a child's behavior development. Here is an article about this.

It's Important to Educate your Child from Early

Author: wawan

Parents have important role for their child behavior development. Children behavior is developed for how their parents taught/educated on their early age. If a child gets bad leader from their parents or from people surrounding/the environments he/she lives then child will become for what he saw the most and will copy them.
There for parents should be good role model in front of their child. A child is very fast to absorb all kind of things and behavior he/she sees, hear and learn because they couldn't separate the good and bad for what they absorb. For them is like an "informal education". Parents should realize to give their child good examples and became good leader/role model in the child daily life.
For an example, if parents use polite language for daily communication in front of their child; if the parents like to write, read or paint or exercise, automatically their child will copy those activities. These will become good "capital" for their child's future. You will be so proud of your child and realize that they got "the capital" from you as their role model and good leader for them. Do you agree?
Below are tips how to educate your child from early age, which you can do at home - daily:
1. Give your child good example and involve them actively in some activities. You can leader them to re-organize the toys every time they finished playing with it. Softly leader your child to start reading book along with you, as it will become good alternative for your child. Provide them with children book story with attractive and colorful illustrations. This will attract them to like reading and open their view as well as to bond the good relationship between your child and you as parents.
Teach them how to write and prove them with board or some parts of your house wall as a media for them to transfer their imagination and creativity into that media. You can see how creative and imaginative your child is.
2. You can softly and patiently exampling your child with discipline in time management. Child until 5 years old needs more time to rest/sleep compare to adult. A mother should teach their child when she/he can play and when she/he should rest/sleep. These will help the child to have strong immunity in health.
3. Always avoid your child from bad examples. Please don not argue, lie, in-discipliner, hits/fight, use strong language in front of your child. Please also guide your child when seeing television/movie and continuously advice your child from time to time. A child is very easy to copy what they seen.
4. Spare time with your children. These days, most of the parents are busy and lots of them are working yet it's important to spare time with your children hence to have parent-children interactive. This will show how much you love them and strong parents-children bonds. It's good for you and your children future.
So parents… good luck

Article Source:

About the AuthorWAWAN - Ultimate Parenting Tool

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