Thursday, February 4, 2010

Harvest Life Gracefully- by having a Good Read: A helpful article to harvest life gracefully about regrets of the past:

I always like to surf the net for articles on self-improvement and to my discorvery,  I ran across this article about regretting the past and how to use regrets as an advantage to harvest life gracefully. I thought this article was very fitting in regards to examining your life without judgements as I had posted the last time.

I will be back soon to post more about my childhood.

The article is posted just below by Kristin Hutchings and she offers a free confidence video at this address

Do you believe that "everything happens for a reason"? That some things are simply meant to be and you can't do anything to change them? Well, perhaps you do and perhaps you don't but one thing is for sure: you have all experienced regret at some point in your lives. Regrets for something we did as well as for the things we didn't do. Regrets exist regardless of whether or not we believe in fate or a divine law that governs everything in life. Is it also very likely that you see regrets in a negative light and that regret is something you shouldn't feel - it's an uncomfortable emotion, full of longing and disappointment. However, you can turn your regrets to your advantage and harness them to power your success.
Your sense of regret can be used as a sign that you need to re-evaluate your life. This is very important as it is re-evaluation that gives us the opportunity to grow and improve as people. Regret for past events is often a waste of time as the past is gone, never to return. If your regret of a past action or misdeed still haunts you, you need to make amends as soon as possible and move on. It is often the regret of the things we didn't do that plays on our minds the most. The missed opportunities and offers because fear held us back. It is this regret that you need to use to spur you on to action.
Regret should not be seen as a negative emotion. If you are an ambitious person - whether you crave wealth or personal happiness - you can use regret in a positive way. Its greatest gift is the knowledge and awareness it provides. Regrets can spur you on to be a better person, they can help you define what your goals are, what you really want from life. Regrets can provide you with invaluable self-evaluation. Of course, it is not very pleasant to focus on our sense of failing or disappointment but you cannot move forward unless you do so. By embracing your regret and staring it fully in the face you can acknowledge to yourself what you want in life, where you want to be in one year, five years or ten years from now. It can help you look clearly and honestly at yourself and your ambitions.
Using regret positively will aid your ambition and we all know that we need ambition to be able to succeed in our goals. Analyse your regrets dispassionately, without any sense of self-pity or self-blame. Admitting your regrets aloud is very cathartic - it is guaranteed you will feel lighter, more accepting of yourself. It will also give you the insight into what went wrong previously and why you have regrets in the first place. Did you shy away from the job promotion because you felt scared and lacking in experience? Did you believe that you didn't have what it takes to do the job properly? Your next step beyond that regret is to work on acquiring "what it takes" - boosting your confidence, increasing your experience and believing that, most of all, you deserve to succeed.
By facing your regrets you are placing yourself in the position to constructively do something about them rather than allow the feelings of disappointment to eat away at you for years to come. So, admit your regrets and face them. Then, work out what you can do to learn from the regrets. Put what you have learnt into action and lastly, believe that you are worthy of success, that your potential is limitless. Tell yourself you are capable of fulfilling your goals. Too often our regrets exist because we believe we are not good enough, or deserving. In every step of your path to success, believe that you deserve the success.
Do not allow yourself to go through life harbouring many regrets that you fail to act upon. Live your life fully, learning and evaluating every day and strive to make your life the success it deserves to be.
Negative thinking patterns are often at the root of a lack of self confidence and the belief we are not good enough. To break this pattern visit and claim your complimentary confidence videos - today.
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