Monday, February 1, 2010

Harvest Life Gracefully- INTRODUCTION

I am an adult survivor of childhood sexual and emotional abuse, to harvest life gracefully had been a slow, long and challenging process. Coping with the belief that I was always counted out as a person, caused me to have no self-worth, dignity, or respect for myself. With having no support system during my childhood, I did not develop skills and tools to make positive choices for my life. The effects of the abuse caused me to choose risky and unhealthy behaviors. It was only until I became sicken by my life from the consequences of poor choices was when I became determine and develop a strong desire to become the best I can be, is when I sought out for help and discovered how to harvest life gracefully and with a purpose.

The purpose of this blog is to bring more awareness to abuse, to take you on my personal journey and share with you my discovery, of how I learned to harvest life gracefully and found my purpose in life. If I can save at least one child from losing their innocence, help one person to harvest life gracefully and find their purpose in life would be a blessing from heaven.

First, before I start blogging about my journey, I think it is important to know a little something about abuse. I feel we need to understand and try to relate to how the effects of abuse can affect a person. Although, I believe that one can not completely understand and relate what a abuse victim must be feeling or what they are going though, as each victim may feel the effect of abuse and express it in different ways.

There are four types of abuse and they are:

1.physical -hitting, kicking, punching
2.sexual -unwanted sexual touch and or sexual intercourse
3.emotional -verbal abuse, insults, degrading remarks, criticism
4.neglect -depriving food, shelter, clothing, health needs

Some of the effects of abuse, which I know from personal experience, is devastating and can be debilitating to the one who has suffer the abuse. This can make it difficult but not impossible to harvest life gracefully. Listed below are some of the general effects:

  • speech problems
  • eating disorders
  • self-destructive behaviors
  • developmental lags
  • substance abuse
  • depression and anxiety
  • aggression and bully behaviors
  • preoccupation with sex, promiscuous behaviors and prostitution
  • criminal behaviors
  • suicidal thoughts and suicidal attempts
  • truancy or failing in school
  • paranoid behaviors
  • inability to control emotions, over reacting
  • relationship problems, co-dependent, or problems with intimacy
  • obsessions
  • run away
  • questioning religious or spiritual beliefs
  • insecurity, safety
  • inability to trust others
  • sleep disorders
  • low-self worth
I am expressing again, even through the effects of abuse seem overwhelming to the one who has suffer the abuse or even to the supporting person of the abuse victim, it is possible to harvest life gracefully and find the purpose of your life. Yes! Yes! Yes! It is possible and we can do it, “YES WE CAN!” successfully!
So what do you say? “ HARVEST LIFE GRACEFULLY!”

Coming soon: In my-upcoming blogs I will share with you tips on how to harvest life, a video about healing from sexual abuse, as well as my story. Check back often to see what is new on my blog.

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